New Urbanists traveled to #CNU26 in ways that express their values
New urbanists lost a respected and capable leader early this week. Hank Dittmar made a difference in urban planning and transportation on both sides of the Atlantic.
“The pattern of post-World War II development I witnessed in Orange County struck me as fundamentally wrong-headed. But others appeared to accept it as inevitable and somehow normal.”
Cities around the globe wrestle with how to reconcile local vernacular, technological change, and economic growth.
CNU members, the organization, and allies pushed forward on climate change and neighborhood affordability, published widely, and helped people reclaim their streets,
Success is people consciously working together, putting differences aside in pursuit of higher quality of life, and getting something done.
Focusing on what connects people to community is one way to navigate the treacherous waters between gentrification and disinvestment.
CNU has a vital toolkit that Christian community workers badly need to provide solutions to the problems they face in cities and neighborhoods.
Chance encounters with strangers, random humane acts of kindness, and the experience of discovering new places make travel and urban life memorable. And they may possibly influence future behavior.
How urbanism can bring hope and change to a working-class African American neighborhood.
Reimagining the Civic Commons was launched in Philadelphia, and similar strategies are now being applied to five US Cities.
When someone walks along a street, they’re gone in a moment. But when they sit down to a meal, they might be there for an hour or more. Because of this, the sidewalk cafe is the most powerful tool to enhance people’s desire to walk in a place.