
Still haven’t registered for CNU 27.Louisville June 12-15, or are planning fun side activities for your trip? Then this list of some of our local favorites is for you. The discounted registration rate for CNU 27 is available until May 10th.
With a stronger identity and coordinated planning for Woodlawn Avenue, Beechmont may be the next hot neighborhood in Louisville.
Urban planner Emily Talen tells the history of the neighborhood, why it became a controversial topic, and how the “everyday neighborhood” could help a diverse America come together.
With a new urban vision and context-based street design, Olean has taken a bold step to revive its economy and social life.
Designing and establishing systems for walkable communities that support aging residents are important planning and development tasks for the coming decades.
Our built environment separates everything to reduce conflict and make us safe—it may instead do the opposite.
Do we risk overselling smart growth, placemaking or other urbanist concepts today, without taking heed of social and market realities?
Providence in Huntsville introduces a new development pattern that converts an arterial to a main street, provides nightlife and civic spaces, and adds a diverse school.
'Weak ties' are the strings that thread their way through the social fabric, allowing information, culture, and work to flow. Fragmented communities break down those ties.
Here's the clearest and most complete explanation of the nuts and bolts of CNU's annual Congress and how to engage at every level. CNU 27.Louisville begins June 12, 2019, but engagement starts in less than two weeks.
During the Congress in Savannah, I announced an intentional, ground-up  effort to identify and articulate an overarching goal for the New Urbanist movement for the next 10-20 years to help us accelerate and fully realize the vision of the Charter....
CNU co-founder Stefanos Polyzoides said of Bill Dennis: "We lost a brother."