The Atlanta neighborhood of Pittsburgh was the subject of foundation investment to develop in an equitable way.

Although community gardens are often the most unkempt area of the neighborhood, there is no reason that they can't be beautiful—and here are some ideas to make them so.

Although zoning was adopted locally, state legislation is helping to revise community land-use codes for the 21st Century.

Better Cities Film Festival, formerly New Urbanism Film Festival, will screen 81 films on urbanism from 25 countries.

Enabling missing middle housing and compact neighborhoods are at the heart of land-use reforms in many states and cities.

A unique missing middle housing development in Papillion, Nebraska, shows how smaller increments of multifamily are beneficial in economically uncertain times.

Cities are encouraging small manufacturing to promote inclusive economic development and livable wages in downtowns and main streets.

A case study by Peter Calthorpe shows the potential of underutilized suburban strips to help solve America's housing problems.

The scale and form of communities—and avoiding sprawl—will play critical roles in their long-term resilience.

The organic character of historic cities may take centuries to evolve, but humans are also capable of dynamic change and innovative adaptation—all reflected in evolving communities.