Market and local government support for new urbanist values is rising and that is changing the planning mindset in many regions.

When you have a chicken and egg problem, have a chicken omelette.

Complete, compact, connected, complex, and convivial describes everything that you want a neighborhood to be.

Younger and older Americans are not the only ones at risk. The summit focused on challenges faced by pedestrians in racially and economically disadvantaged communities, as well as rural areas.

Sustainability takes many forms on the building and community scale in the Caribbean. Here are keys to places that stand the test of time.

As part of its Complete Streets Implementation, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recently adopted eight context classifications to guide road design decisions.

In architecture, the constant search for the new no longer represents freedom. Urbanism and sustainability are nobler and more practical imperatives.

Urbanists can contribute mightily to solving the climate problem—got any plans for the next few decades?

The options for missing middle housing on a small redevelopment site are many, so here's a process to decide what choices make sense. Part 1.

Authentic urbanism, unlike large-scale architecture, is built out over time. Architectural critics make the mistake of assessing an urban project in its early years.

Restoring the human-scale to the modern built environment is a long-term task, key to human health and welfare, that has barely begun.

The first national summit is coming on accessory dwelling units, the small housing type that has big potential.