• A unique building becomes a hub for historic neighborhoods
    <strong>Ponce City Market</strong> <em>Atlanta, GA</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Mercado District | Tucson, Arizona
    A timeless place from the ground up. #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
    <strong>Village of Providence</strong> <em>Huntsville, AL</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Trumpeting a cultural revival
    <strong>Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market</strong>&nbsp; <em>New Orleans, Louisiana</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • From parking lot to urban tour-de-force
    <strong>UCLA Weyburn</strong>&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles, California</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Crosstown_Concourse_2018_Charter_LooneyRicksKiss
    From former warehouse to "vertical village"
    <strong>Crosstown Concourse</strong>&nbsp; <em>Memphis, Tennessee</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Southside
    Ten acres that transformed a city #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A mixed-use center for town and gown
    <strong>Storrs Center</strong> <em>Mansfield, CT</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Historic arcade houses young professionals
    <strong>Microlofts at The Arcade Providence</strong>&nbsp;<em>Providence, Rhode Island</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

Project Database

This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.



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1950 - 2023

Virginia’s Capitol Master Plan

Richmond, Virginia

When Thomas Jefferson designed the state capitol in Richmond, Virginia in 1788, he never envisioned a campus of 24 state-owned buildings with 3.3 million square feet of floor space.


Aldershot, United Kingdom

One of the largest brownfield developments in the United Kingdom has produced a sustainable town extension that meets the local community’s most urgent needs.

Hunters View

San Francisco, California

By any measure, San Francisco ranks among the world’s most beautiful cities. Yet for years, in a sector that tourists never see, 50 barracks-style buildings constructed in 1943 housed 264 families in poverty and fear.

Code SMTX: Tactical Urbanism Intervention and Project Kickoff

San Marcos, Texas

Code SMTX in San Marcos, Texas may carry the distinction of all-time least expensive winner. The return on investment for the city and for community members has been significant.

Cities of a New Port Metropolis

Atlantic Coast, Guatemala

Until now, all major initiatives to create a port on the Atlantic Coast of Central America have failed to produce human-scale places due to the vast surface area required by modern hub-container facilities.

Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor

Arlington, Virginia

The Jury Chairman’s Test of Time Award is given to the Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor, a highly successful integration of transit-oriented development and neighborhood preservation along the MetroRail corridor serving the heart of Arlington County, VA.

Master Plan for Revitalization of the Canal System

Lowell, Massachusetts

The famous historic mill buildings of Lowell, Massachusetts have formed the basis for the city’s resurgence—but these assets are sometimes difficult to find among the city’s grid, and public spaces are lacking.

Orleans Landing

Detroit, Michigan

In a sector of Detroit with diverse assets— waterfront land, brick industrial buildings, greenways, and historic streets—but little economic activity, the Orleans Landing project creates top-of-the-line urbanism.

East End Transformation

Richmond, Virginia

Richmond, Virginia’s two-mile East End Transformation corridor plan, a 350-acre vision for a hospital campus– centered development in an economically challenged area, brought together residents, business owners, nonprofit leaders, and public offic


Calgary, Canada

Nicknamed “Cowtown,” the city of Calgary historically served as the center of Canada’s cattle and meatpacking industries.



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1950 - 2023