
After Harvey, let's rebuild a city that will last for centuries and support healthy social interaction, in addition to getting people out of harm's way.
The drive-through lifestyle, exported by America and adopted worldwide, is the "operating system for growth" that is a root cause of rising carbon emissions.
The most critical opportunity for urbanists is to step up to the magnitude of the climate challenge.
In their visions of the future, the elite graduate schools of urban planning lately see a new-and-improved suburbia, based on self-driving electric cars, “drone deliveries at your doorstep,” and “teardrop-shaped one-way roads” (I think that means...
The folks who brought us walkable downtowns and transit-oriented development have a new challenge to tackle: climate change.
Market and local government support for new urbanist values is rising and that is changing the planning mindset in many regions.
Sustainability takes many forms on the building and community scale in the Caribbean. Here are keys to places that stand the test of time.
Urbanists can contribute mightily to solving the climate problem—got any plans for the next few decades?
Harvey and Irma point out the need to think deeply about resilience to major storms in the era of climate change.
Plan NoBe in the North Beach neighborhood of Miami Beach sets the stage for higher construction standards to withstand sea-level rise—while strengthening defenses like sea walls, mangrove islands, and barrier beaches.
Citizens have a chance to go beyond business-as-usual to achieve a higher potential through recovery from the historic 2017 hurricane season.
A leaner, lighter approach to infrastucture is more cost-effective, sustainable, and livable—an idea worth considering for America in National Infrastructure Week.