
An elegant plan to transform a struggling shopping mall into a mixed-use town center uses the same principles of sacred geometry that were employed by Pierre L'Enfant in the urban design of Washington, DC.
While hundreds of malls are declining, they are also being reused for all kinds of purposes—including walkable urban places in communities lacking in this kind of environment.
Downtown Westminster, Colorado, is designed as a ‘place’ that grows organically with affordable housing included.
Transforming suburban places is a growing and necessary trend across America. What are the tactics to make it happen?
This is Part 4 of a series on retrofitting urban patterns to create more resilient places where decentralized capital can flourish. This article, the last of the series, discusses how immigrants may play a role in getting us there.
This is part 2 of a series on retrofitting urban patterns to create more resilient places where decentralized capital can flourish.
With transit on the way, Amherst, New York, reimagines its future.
Rockville Town Square combines transit and placemaking in a mixed-use retrofit.
The suburbs can be repaired in certain places, but it's a fool's errand to think they can be retrofitted wholesale, as a default pattern.
CNU Legacy Project shows how Southside Savannah can leverage a growing university campus to improve quality of life.
Suburban Remix, a new book, reports on commercial development of mixed-use, walkable centers as a powerful force in the American landscape.
A suburb shows how to grow while building the core in a way that adds to the character of place.