"In Nashville, design experts and community residents are working together on highway solutions."

The program helps communities repair the urban fabric in neighborhoods bifurcated by interstate highways.

"Using green infrastructure to reconnect the East Central Neighborhood! #EveryPlaceCounts #Spokane #DOTconnects"

"Highways: great for connecting cities...when they go through them it is damaging."

Superblocks with high-rise towers surrounded by giant arterial roads are a threat to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The Asian superpower has a new plan, but can change come in time?

The program helps communities repair the urban fabric in neighborhoods bifurcated by interstate highways.

Since the last recession, providing “infrastructure” has been synonymous with providing foundational facilities upon which communities can growAnchor and prosper.

The most-loved places are comprised of buildings with an endless variety of details within a limited range of architecture, giving distinct and recognizable character.