The capital city of Connecticut tore down many buildings to store cars, but city officials have realized the error and reversed course.

Megan O’Hara is the 2023 Charter Awards Jury Chair. A focus of this year’s jury will be on projects that build great places for all by being accessible and equitable.

A US Forest Service study indicates that street trees save lives and provide direct health benefits that far outweigh the costs of planting and maintenance.

Minimum off-street parking requirements have created a host of problems, leading cities and states to rethink this policy. The wave of reform is just beginning, because the oversupply from a century of misguided parking policy is likely to persist.

This holiday, experience the magic of a city or town. Let that become part of your family experience. It may change your life.

The terminus of I-16 cuts into the historic core of Savannah, and removal of a flyover would help to heal the wounds of 1960s destruction in a minority and immigrant neighborhood.

Coming to Charlotte? Expect many new kinds of sessions, experiences, and events at CNU 31. Here's a brief rundown.

The entertainment giant has donated land to create affordable housing, and the chosen developer has envisioned a new urbanist neighborhood.

Reforming zoning to allow missing middle housing would create more paths to homeownership and mitigate a national housing shortage.