New Urbanism in the News

  • Southside
    Ten acres that transformed a city #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A mixed-use center for town and gown
    <strong>Storrs Center</strong> <em>Mansfield, CT</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Mercado District | Tucson, Arizona
    A timeless place from the ground up. #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Historic arcade houses young professionals
    <strong>Microlofts at The Arcade Providence</strong>&nbsp;<em>Providence, Rhode Island</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Crosstown_Concourse_2018_Charter_LooneyRicksKiss
    From former warehouse to "vertical village"
    <strong>Crosstown Concourse</strong>&nbsp; <em>Memphis, Tennessee</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A unique building becomes a hub for historic neighborhoods
    <strong>Ponce City Market</strong> <em>Atlanta, GA</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Trumpeting a cultural revival
    <strong>Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market</strong>&nbsp; <em>New Orleans, Louisiana</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • From parking lot to urban tour-de-force
    <strong>UCLA Weyburn</strong>&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles, California</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
    <strong>Village of Providence</strong> <em>Huntsville, AL</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Michaele Pride joins CNU Board of Directors

    This week, the CNU family is excited to introduce its newest member: University of New Mexico Architecture Professor Michaele Pride has joined the Board of Directors. As an architect and urban designer, Pride’s areas of expertise emphasizes principles of equity, justice, collaboration and public...Read more
  • Introducing "A Freeway-Free San Francisco"

    Across America, the mid-century era of highway-building created sprawling urban freeways that cut huge swaths through our cities, isolating historic neighborhoods, and running up expensive maintenance bills. Against that backdrop, the city of San Francisco, California has emerged as a pioneer in...Read more
  • CNU Endorses NACTO Urban Street Design Guide

    Today, on behalf of our 2,400 members working in communities across America, CNU is pleased to endorse NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide —an outstanding tool consistent with our goals of building safer, more pedestrian-friendly streets. After a full technical review by CNU staff and our member-led...Read more
  • CNU Will Take Over Stewardship of Build a Better Burb

    Big news: this week, we're proud to announce that Build a Better Burb , a leading national authority on suburban design and sprawl retrofit strategies, will become an in-house program of CNU. The New York–based Rauch Foundation, through its Long Island Index, created Build a Better Burb in 2011 as...Read more
  • Introducing the new CNU Municipal Membership

    This week, CNU is proud to announce the launch of our new Municipal Membership program. Open to all cities and towns, the program is a new level of CNU membership designed specifically to equip a forward-thinking community and its leaders with the tools to welcome growth, strengthen infrastructure...Read more
  • Help us plan CNU 24 in Detroit

    Want to help plan our upcoming Congress in Detroit? Here’s your chance. Today, we’re launching the official CNU 24 Call for Ideas, powered by mySidewalk. It’s an open online platform for ideas—a forum where you can help design the Congress you’d love to attend, exploring the issues you want to...Read more
