The City of Buffalo, Stantec, and CNU have created a roadmap for how mobility can power an equitable future in 21st century cities.

Market and demographic trends could lead to revival of smaller American communities, according to a report.

An analysis of US street networks since 1940 shows plunging connectivity in the last half of the 20th Century, followed by a sharp reversal of that trend in the new millennium.

This holiday is about places and people and memory, and that has an impact on how we build and experience cities and towns.

As people move out of city centers into suburbs, keys policy changes and trends could help to make suburbs more walkable and affordable, according to panelists at a National Press Foundation event.

One of the few form-based codes to be applied citywide in a regional major city, Buffalo’s ordinance is having a positive impact on neighborhoods and downtown.

Current NYSDOT proposals prioritize the high—speed movement of automobiles—the design should be improved to focus on safety and community.

Developer of the Cotton District succumbs to Covid in late October.

Cities and towns are facing a new reality, according to one of the founders of CNU. This calls for new designs that violate some of the long-held design doctrines of New Urbanism—but have the same social intention.

The Biden plan mentions code reform, transit, smart growth, underserved communities, and generally big investments in affordable housing.