Ben Crowther
Ben Crowther is the Advocacy Manager for America Walks, where he works with state and local advocates supporting mobility for all. Prior to joining America Walks, Ben was the program manager for the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU)’s Highways to Boulevards initiative. He also led CNU’s national advocacy for the federal Reconnecting Communities program.
Ditch the ditch: Citizens respond to I-70 expansion
A partly built reconstruction of the aging I-70 in Denver into a much wider sunken highway has elicited a more neighborhood-friendly proposal: Reroute the Interstate and turn the corridor into a boulevard.
Crash diet for a freeway corridor
Conversion to a boulevard would reduce the right-of-way of I-980 in Oakland by 75 percent, connecting neighborhoods and allowing mixed-use development where land now generates no tax revenues.
A boulevard rather than a freeway
I-275 was built on top of Central Avenue and split Tampa in half. Transformation into a boulevard is gaining political traction due to economic and quality of life benefits.