RFP 2016-002 Comprehensive Plan Update and Zoning & Development Code Revision

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City of Española, New Mexico


Española, New Mexico


The City of Española Department of Planning and Land Use is seeking proposals from qualified planning consultants with considerable experience in community design, land use and environmental planning, economic analysis, and community participation to update the City’s existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan and revise the Zoning & Development Code.  The City of Española wishes to retain a qualified planning consultant to work with City staff to provide an update to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  The Plan update will address and establish long-range policy for land use planning, infrastructure and transportation planning, economic development, and environmental sustainability.  The update will also respond to challenges and opportunities related to other issues deemed important, such as community health and quality of life, affordable and manufactured housing, public facilities and open space, cultural and natural resource conservation, historic and agricultural preservation, and intergovernmental relations. Please see the attached flyer for more details.


City of Española
Georg-Ann Salazar,
Procurement Officer
(505) 747-6043