Project Database
This searchable database of projects represents the range and diversity of work in the New Urbanism. From regional-scale visions to single-building historic renovations, CNU members and their allies build places people love through land use planning, development, policy, and advocacy. If you are aware of a project that you believe should be part of the database, please email Robert Steuteville or Lauren Mayer.
Kingston Forward
Kingston, New York
New land-use codes may transform communities but are notoriously difficult to communicate.
Just Imagine SWLA
Calcasieu and Cameron, Louisiana
Southwest Louisiana, comprising Calcasieu and Cameron parishes, is larger than Rhode Island or Delaware. The region is extremely low and vulnerable to sea-level rise and storm surge.
ReLeaf Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Trees are such a ubiquitous part of the urban landscape that their vital role is sometimes overlooked.
Higher Ground Initiative
, Nauru
The stakes could not be higher for The Republic of Nauru, an eight-square-mile island nation of 12,500 people in the central Pacific Ocean.
St. Louis, Missouri
It is now standard practice to conduct extensive public outreach in neighborhood planning. WeCollab in the St.
Hammond Downtown Master Plan
Hammond, Indiana
Based on the past sixty years, one would expect Hammond, Indiana, to continue shrinking and its downtown to stagnate indefinitely.
Downtown Westminster
Westminster, Colorado
A large number of malls are dying nationwide—but in most cases, a city or town just lets a developer or investor determine the fate of a property, if there is a market for reusing the site.
Seaside civic realm
Seaside, Florida
Successional development does not only refer to buildings, according to architect Dhiru Thadani, as Seaside, Florida, makes a case that the civic realm can be steadily improved to respond to changing circumstances and present-day needs.
Project 180
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City reversed a half century of automobile-centric street planning in a comprehensive makeover of its downtown public realm in the last decade.
Westside Evolves
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chattanooga is launching a highly ambitious plan to transform Westside, an impoverished neighborhood with the highest concentration of public housing in the city. Westside Evolves tackles the challenge of concentrated poverty, while ensuring