
If our approach to environmentalism should be "new," so too should our approach to urbanism.
The trend toward complete communities shapes the debate on sustainability and environmentalism, and vice-versa.
As a strategy, it’s local, less controversial and far more manageable, with actionable steps that give quick, tangible feedback while simultaneously addressing climate change.
Trees should be planted either in swales (on primarily residentail streets) or in tree wells (on Main Streets). Do not listen to “urban foresters,” who insist that trees must be planted in landscape beds large enough for their mature drip lines.
Urbanism will play a key role in a choice between an “age of human capital” and an age of depletion and division.
New recognition of the health and safety benefits of parks is changing how the public and leaders view green spaces.
In the Pearl District, a place designed for human movement and a model of affordable urban renaissance, miscreants with bricks and bats fueled Donald Trump’s incendiary charge that our “inner cities are in crisis.”
The resort town in the Florida Panhandle is best known for being compact, walkable and diverse in uses and places, but Seaside has also become known as one of the first environmentally designed new towns.
Developer Bob Turner talks about Habersham, the future of traditional neighborhood developments, and current development trends.
On the centenary of Jane Jacobs’s birth, architects and planners lauded her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Both loved and reviled upon its release, it has come to be seen as one of the essential books about the city, the...
Superblocks with high-rise towers surrounded by giant arterial roads are a threat to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. The Asian superpower has a new plan, but can change come in time?
The most-loved places are comprised of buildings with an endless variety of details within a limited range of architecture, giving distinct and recognizable character.