A large new urban project on a former airport near downtown Oklahoma City, the Wheeler District is off to a strong start.

The lack of connections and the view from the train were disappointing, but the hospitality more than made up for the inconvenience.

While off-street parking regulations are counter-productive, we still need to plan for parking. Here are some ideas on how to think about this issue.

The oldest baby boomers have crossed the 70-year old threshold, and this generation was the first to live their entire lives in a car-dependent society. Many are looking to move to an urban setting.

Since 2008, CNU has highlighted the advantages of transforming the elevated I-81 through the heart of the city.

A creative approach moves from single-use big boxes to walkable mixed-use neighborhoods.

Conversion to a boulevard would reduce the right-of-way of I-980 in Oakland by 75 percent, connecting neighborhoods and allowing mixed-use development where land now generates no tax revenues.

Let’s embrace and empower the collective skill in producing beautiful and well-adapted habitat, which is evident throughout human history.