Developed in the small South Carolina city of Beaufort, population 12,300, the Beaufort Civic Master Plan has a no-nonsense Southern sensibility befitting of its historic hometown. Rather than line up decades of red tape and public relations battles, this exceptional plan moves seamlessly from grand vision to implementation—identifying 110 specific projects to improve quality of life and sustainability, and offering toolkits for moving each one forward.
A small city with diverse neighborhoods, Beaufort does not rely on “silver bullets” or massive investments for its future. Instead, many small projects broke ground almost immediately after the plan’s adoption, aided by the Beaufort Office of Civic Investment.
Beaufort Civic Master Plan neighborhood strategies. Source: City of Beaufort.
From crosswalks to complete streets, from historic renovation to new buildings, parks, and neighborhoods, the goals of the Beaufort Master Plan are being realized all over the city. The first project was a 15-unit residential infill development along with mixed-use buildings on a primary corridor.
The plan addresses all of the scales of the Charter. “The Civic Master Plan and the Office of Civic Investment were created to translate the principles of the Charter into public policy and municipal administration, bridging planning with city budgeting and operation. Department heads took the unprecedented step of receiving CNU-A training to ensure they could integrate the principles of New Urbanism into departmental operations, such as the Fire Department’s purchase of smaller fire equipment to better navigate new and historic narrow streets.”
“The Civic Master Plan is, by far, the most comprehensive, progressive planning instrument that has ever been implemented in my 30 years working in the city,” notes Michael McFee, real estate broker and councilman in Beaufort.
An aerial graphic of the Beaufort Civic Master Plan Source: City of Beaufort.
Before the plan, the 300-year-old city was at a crossroads. “Desires to protect its history and improve its economy often conflicted,” note the planners, “and the City of Beaufort faced difficulty in providing growth options acceptable to its residents. The community was in need of a comprehensive vision for its future.”
Today, with its sleeves rolled up and its work guided by the Beaufort Civic Master Plan, the city is welcoming the future.
Top photo: An artistic depiction of a Beaufort neighborhood from the Beaufort Civic Master Plan. Source: City of Beaufort.
The famous historic mill buildings of Lowell, Massachusetts have formed the basis for the city’s resurgence—but these assets are sometimes difficult to find among the city’s grid, and public spaces are lacking.
All over China, scarce farmland is being developed as rural families flee their farms for better-paying jobs in cities. The farms that remain are inefficient and fragmented.
Project Details
Beaufort Civic Master Plan Beaufort, South Carolina