• Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
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City of Clearwater, Florida

RFP Title:



The City of Clearwater, Florida (the City) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purpose of seeking a qualified consulting team(s) to facilitate and create The Bluff/Waterfront Master Plan (the Plan). The Plan is focused on the bluff west of Osceola Avenue, including Coachman Park and the waterfront. The Plan will assist the City in establishing a specific vision and adopting an implementation strategy to achieve a signature downtown waterfront area. The project work products will enable the City to implement a significant action item identified by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Advisory Services Panel that was conducted in 2014. The following lists the project goals and objectives:

City Goals

  • Implement the recommendations from the ULI Report (June 15 -20, 2014).
  • Implement the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan
  • Create a vibrant waterfront area/park.
    Identify redevelopment opportunities.

Plan Objectives

  • Connect/integrate with downtown.
  • Incorporate downtown plan design elements (e.g. streetscape, wayfinding).
  • Create a strategy plan for economic development/redevelopment; include building out plan, identify actions (public/private), and identify other strategies that are needed for implementation.
  • Complete a market analysis.
  • Define a parking strategy.
  • Activate waterfront.
  • Complement downtown; link waterfront, park and downtown businesses.
  • Incorporate other plans/initiatives (e.g. Comprehensive Boating Plan)
  • Create opportunities for waterfront events to benefit downtown businesses

Deadline for Proposals:

Proposals shall be received no later than 10:00am on January 8, 2016. 


Download the full RFP here.