Two retrofit experts have a new book that is an essential reference for transforming suburban landscapes.
Ten changes are recommended to improve Main Street streetscapes.
Note: This list of steps comes from Enabling Better Places: Commercial Corridors and Shopping Malls, a report by CNU and the Michigan Municipal League.
CNU releases report on evolving Michigan suburban landscapes, especially commercial corridors and shopping malls. The ideas and techniques can apply to communities nationwide.
Many malls are going out of business, and a recent report shows that how these sites are redeveloped impacts city finances. Municipalities can influence mall reuse to promote mixed-use redevelopment that provides long-term benefits.
A case study by Peter Calthorpe shows the potential of underutilized suburban strips to help solve America's housing problems.
A new report makes the case that walkable suburbs are the are the next big development trend.
An elegant plan to transform a struggling shopping mall into a mixed-use town center uses the same principles of sacred geometry that were employed by Pierre L'Enfant in the urban design of Washington, DC.
While hundreds of malls are declining, they are also being reused for all kinds of purposes—including walkable urban places in communities lacking in this kind of environment.
Downtown Westminster, Colorado, is designed as a ‘place’ that grows organically with affordable housing included.
Transforming suburban places is a growing and necessary trend across America. What are the tactics to make it happen?
This is Part 4 of a series on retrofitting urban patterns to create more resilient places where decentralized capital can flourish. This article, the last of the series, discusses how immigrants may play a role in getting us there.