The City of Las Cruces is planning an "aspirational" Transect-based neighborhood that includes modular housing on a publicly owned site.

In Arbitrary Lines, M. Nolan Gray offers a vision for a post-zoning world—including a productive shift in the planning profession.

The remarks of the US Secretary of Transportation, announcing the launch of the Reconnecting Communities program in Birmingham last week, are posted below.

A cottage court called the Railroad Cottages shows how abandoned rail lines converted to trails have potential for incremental development.

New research shows that psychology is important in street design, and drivers proceed with more caution in tight, changing, walkable places where facial expressions of pedestrians are visible.

A report examines the living needs of the millions of people with autism spectrum disorder, and how good building and neighborhood design can help.

There are thousands of stroad sections in the US. Transforming a good number of them is important to to the goal of improving quality of life and mobility in cities and towns.