An engaging storefront starts with a vision, then good storytelling, and design that engages the community.

The Mueller Airport redevelopment has charted a path to become one of the most livable, walkable places in Austin, Texas, with substantial affordable housing.

Milwaukee's Park East Corridor, on the national stage this summer, ultimately changed how the city views itself.

Even in the vast American drivable urban landscape, families can figure out how to do without a car—walking and biking to meet every personal need. Here’s how it’s done and you can do it, too.

A national team of experts will work with local and other participants to examine automated vehicle implementation on the 30A beach highway, which goes through Seaside and many other towns.

Our cities desperately need professional engineers to realign their values to reflect those of the broader society, and we can start by making streets no wider than they need to be.

From identifying “pedestrian pockets” as a regional antidote to sprawl to advocating for the reform of the electoral college, Neal Peirce was ahead of his time.

These concepts, applied here to downtown Hammond, Indiana, are relevant to most American cities.

The town of Seaside has had an impact on city building in America over the last four decades. Here are 16 ways that the Florida Panhandle resort influenced development.