New urbanists lost a respected and capable leader early this week. Hank Dittmar made a difference in urban planning and transportation on both sides of the Atlantic.

CNU Legacy Project shows how Southside Savannah can leverage a growing university campus to improve quality of life.

We need a strategy for taming deadly thoroughfares that go through cities and suburbs.

A film depicting the famous 1933 voyage of modernist architect members of CIAM from Marseilles to Athens on the Patris II, reminds me of the good that new urbanists are doing today.

Green urbanism, successional development, and the creation of unique, walkable places are among the National Town Builders Association topics.

CNU partnered with a small city and citizens to create a toolbox with immediate practical usefulness for a segment of the old Dixie Highway in Georgia.

Some of Seaside’s leading architects return to a town both blessed and stressed by a crush of visitors.

Suburban Remix, a new book, reports on commercial development of mixed-use, walkable centers as a powerful force in the American landscape.

Implementing the New Urban Agenda will be hard work—public spaces, including streets, provide the tissue connecting people to the benefits of cities.

A rebuttal to my friend Rob Steuteville’s recent post.

A Midwest city considers an affordable option to house more families in walkable neighborhoods.