Municipal Planner

Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning and Development

  • Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Trumpeting a cultural revival
    <strong>Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market</strong>&nbsp; <em>New Orleans, Louisiana</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A mixed-use center for town and gown
    <strong>Storrs Center</strong> <em>Mansfield, CT</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A unique building becomes a hub for historic neighborhoods
    <strong>Ponce City Market</strong> <em>Atlanta, GA</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Crosstown_Concourse_2018_Charter_LooneyRicksKiss
    From former warehouse to "vertical village"
    <strong>Crosstown Concourse</strong>&nbsp; <em>Memphis, Tennessee</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Historic arcade houses young professionals
    <strong>Microlofts at The Arcade Providence</strong>&nbsp;<em>Providence, Rhode Island</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Southside
    Ten acres that transformed a city #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • From parking lot to urban tour-de-force
    <strong>UCLA Weyburn</strong>&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles, California</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Mercado District | Tucson, Arizona
    A timeless place from the ground up. #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
    <strong>Village of Providence</strong> <em>Huntsville, AL</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

Job Description

Nearly 40 years have passed since the City of Memphis adopted a comprehensive plan. New energy behind planning has led to the re-establishment of the Office of Comprehensive Planning. The primary objective of the office’s re-formation is to serve as a lead agency for the development of a shared Memphis vision and strategic framework for implementation.


The Office will hire five (5) individuals into the role of Municipal Planner with the office. Municipal planners will work under the direction of the Administrator of Comprehensive Planning in the Office of Comprehensive Planning on the development, update, and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the City of Memphis. Planners will:

* Contribute to development of recommendations related to land use, transportation, public facilities, housing, economic growth and development, neighborhood stabilization, quality of life, civic engagement, and budget impact;
* Provide input on development of regulations, ordinances, and policies;
* Develop plans and studies for communities, districts, or city systems;
* Prepare reports and correspondence to support findings;
* Maintain plan related data and information;
  * Coordinate with other city divisions and external stakeholders to gain input and support relevant to the comprehensive plan;
* Conduct meetings and planning presentations by driving to various locations across the City.

Deadline to apply is September 12, 2016.

How to Apply

Visit to submit your application.


John Zeanah, AICP
Deputy Director
Memphis and Shelby County Division of Planning and Development
125 North Main, Suite 468 | Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 576-7167 |