Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission
Close date: 
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
To event remaining 1 day

Location: Steubenville, OH

Urban Projects Director/City Planner (Interim)

Salary: $68,000

Closing: 4:00 p.m. ET on February 11, 2025

Applications are being accepted for a full-time Urban Projects Director/City Planner (Interim) position with the Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission. Applicants must have high school diploma and a Master’s Degree in Urban or Regional Planning or a closely related field and at least two (2) years full time work experience in the public sector dealing with planning, zoning and community development; OR have a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban or Regional Planning or a closely related field and at least four (4) years full time work experience in the public sector dealing with planning, zoning and community development. Applicants must be a member and maintain membership in the American Planning Association (APA); must have good communication, writing and computer skills, and the knowledge and ability to use Microsoft Word and Excel, and other software, and basic office equipment. Must be able to read and interpret Federal, State and local laws, regulations, and other documents. Must be able to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the individuals, contractors, coworkers and other agencies. Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision and practice confidentiality, courtesy, tact and discretion and hold a valid automobile driver’s license. Must have experience in a HUD Entitlement Community working on CDBG Program administration and project/program management, the preparation of Consolidated Plans and One-Year Action Plans, CAPER’s and Assessments of Fair Housing including annual updates, and the HUD Choice Neighborhood Program. Experience working with HUD ELOCCS, IDIS and HEROS systems is required. In addition to the above, must have experience in the following: zoning, subdivision and land development regulations; building and property maintenance codes; historic preservation including OHC-CLG administration; fair housing; and CRA administration/implementation. Must be able to and have experience reading and evaluating site plans and subdivision plats for code compliance. Must be able to effectively provide staff support to numerous local Boards and Commissions. This is an interim position leading to the appointment as Urban Projects Director/City Planner. Annual salary is $68,000 per year.

All applicants must submit, by deadline date, a City Application, a copy of their Driver’s License, and Resume. Applications and information available at Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission, 115 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, OH or on the City’s website: Anyone with questions regarding this position can call (740) 283-6000, x 1702. Applications must be received by the Commission no later than 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 2025 or by U.S. Mail postmarked no later than February 11, 2025. EOE-M/F.


This is a highly responsible administrative position dealing with all aspects of operations and management of programs dealing with urban planning; housing and community development; code enforcement; historic preservation; fair housing and administration of Federal and State grant programs; and works with contractors, developers, and the public regarding various programs and activities.

An employee in this job classification is responsible for day-to-day general administrative functions regarding all aspects of programs under the direction of the Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission. An employee in this position is hired by the Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission with the concurrence of the City Manager. This is an interim position leading to the appointment as Urban Projects Director/City Planner.


The following summarizes typical management activities for the urban planning and development program for the City of Steubenville’s Planning and Zoning Commission.

  • CDBG Program Administration. Management and oversight of community development program with annual average HUD entitlement of over $500,000. Administration and management of housing rehabilitation, recreation enhancement, infrastructure development and other CDBG projects. Makes recommendation to Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission on projects and funding levels.
  • Historic Preservation. Provision of direction and leadership for Steubenville Historic Landmarks Commission. Supervision of all Historic Landmarks Commission staff support. Oversight of CLG grants and certification of appropriateness program.
  • Economic Development. Oversight of Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) tax abatement program. Supervision of all Community Reinvestment Council (CRC) staff support. Work in cooperation with other City and county agencies on economic developmental initiatives.
  • Fair Housing Services. Provision of fair housing counseling service, including complaint processing and resolution. Direction and leadership for Steubenville Fair Housing Practices Commission and Ohio Valley Fair Housing Center.
  • Planning and Zoning. Supervision of planning and zoning functions. Provides direction and leadership for Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission. Makes recommendation to Commission regarding rezoning and subdivision approvals. Responsible for comprehensive plan activities, studies, reports and initiatives. Oversight of Board of Zoning Appeals functions.
  • Property Maintenance. Oversight of administration and enforcement of ICC Property Maintenance Code and demolition program. Provides direction and leadership for Board of Property Maintenance/Board of Engineering and Building Appeals.
  • Building Inspection. General oversight of Building Inspection Division including all aspects of Ohio Building Code; Ohio Residential Code; and related code administration and enforcement.
  • Other Programs. Management and oversight of State of Ohio CHIP Program, the HUD Choice Neighborhood Program, and other grant programs related to planning and community development initiatives. Oversight and supervision of administrative and inspection staff.


To qualify for the Urban Projects Director/City Planner position, applicants must as a minimum have the following qualifications:

  1. Completion of high school with a high school diploma; AND
  2. Have a Master’s Degree in Urban or Regional Planning or a closely related field and at least two (2) years full time work experience in the public sector dealing with planning and community development; OR have a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban or Regional Planning or a closely related field and at least four (4) years full time work experience in the public sector dealing with planning and community development; AND
  3. Be a member and maintain membership in the American Planning Association (APA); AND
  4. Must have good communication, writing and computer skills, and the knowledge and ability to use Microsoft Word and Excel, and other software, and basic office equipment such as printers, scanners and photocopiers. Must be able to read and interpret Federal, State and local laws, regulations, and other documents. Must be able to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the individuals, contractors, coworkers and other agencies. Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision and practice confidentiality, courtesy, tact and discretion; AND
  5. Hold a valid automobile driver’s license; AND
  6. Not have any interest whatsoever directly or indirectly in the sale or manufacture of any new material, process or device entering into, or used in, or in connection with, building construction.

How to Apply

All applicants must submit, by deadline date, a City Application, a copy of their Driver’s License, and Resume. Applications and information available at Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission, 115 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, OH or on the City’s website:

Anyone with questions regarding this position can call (740) 283-6000, x 1702.

Applications must be received by the Commission no later than 4:00 p.m. on February 11, 2025 or by U.S. Mail postmarked no later than February 11, 2025.