
Location: Pensacola, FL

Update of the Pensacola Community Redevelopment Plans

Closing: 6/8/2023 at 2:00pm

Full RFP:

The City of Pensacola’s Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is requesting sealed statements of interest and qualifications from professional firms experienced in urban planning, design, research, analysis and plan amendment services with said services being used to update the community redevelopment plan for each of the City of Pensacola’s three (3) community redevelopment areas. Following adoption of the plans, the Consultant will be retained to provide continuing services for plan implementation and consistency guidance for a period of five years.

Scope of Work Required
The CRA is a dependent special district whose purpose is outlined in the Florida Statutes. All work conducted by the CRA must be authorized by statute and included in the redevelopment plans. The selected consultant must have an intimate familiarity with the State of Florida’s Community Redevelopment Act (Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes) and state and/or nationally recognized community redevelopment best practices and principles.

The consultant will provide professional urban planning, design, research, analysis, and plan amendment services for the City of Pensacola’s three (3) Community Redevelopment Areas: the Urban Core, Eastside and Westside. The final product must be visually attractive, simple to understand and to navigate and ready for approval by the Community Redevelopment Agency and adoption by the Pensacola City Council.

Updates to the redevelopment plans must include the use of sound urban planning principles to generate balanced redevelopment that catalyzes revitalization and economic growth while preserving population diversity, equity and neighborhood affordability. The selected consultant must employ professional research and analysis methods to comprehensively study conditions, trends and markets within the redevelopment areas and provide effective redevelopment solutions and strategies. The selected consulting team must use highly engaging stakeholder outreach and input strategies during the planning process to maximize inclusion of the community’s goals, objectives and insight into the final product.

The plans will be authorized from the effective date of adoption through termination of the redevelopment area’s existence. Project recommendations shall be strategic, tactical, catalytic and feasible, considering and aligning with projected TIF generation. Plan updates are anticipated in 5-year increments in accordance with planning best practices. A 5-year implementation plan shall accompany the redevelopment plan with the capability of updating annually. Since the geographic areas of the Urban Core and Westside districts are expansive, the Consultant should consider employing a neighborhood and/or subarea-specific approach in these districts to focus expenditures and efforts in smaller areas to create a dramatic impact.

How to Apply
Sealed envelopes containing complete hardcopy statements of interest and qualifications with original or electronic signature, and five (5) additional copies, plus one (1) complete electronic copy (PDF) on CD or flash drive, must be received no later than June 1, 2023, 2:30 P.M., local time, at the following location.

City Hall (lobby)
222 West Main Street
Pensacola, Florida, 32502
Attention: Purchasing

Any questions concerning the RFQ should be addressed and submitted in writing no later than May 22, 2023, at 10:00 A.M., local time, to:

Dedria Lunderman, Assistant Purchasing Manager
City Hall 6th Floor
222 West Main Street
Pensacola, Florida 32502