• Small-scale urbanism revitalizes three neighborhoods

    Stunning historic rehabilitation provides affordable housing in New Orleans.
    Iberville Offsites provides affordable housing for moderate-income families, establishes new standards for green historic preservation, and strengthens a city still climbing back from Hurricane Katrina. The development restored vernacular houses in stunning fashion across three New Orleans...Read more
  • Investing in a historic green space

    Restoring an original square in Savannah revives a neighborhood.
    "Ellis Square is one of the great stories of preservation and restoration in Savannah," says the group Discover Historic America. Indeed, Ellis is one of the oldest and finest of the city’s 24 squares, which give the city of Savannah, Georgia, a unique form and appeal. In the 1950s, several of...Read more
  • Charter Awards focus on renovation, revitalization

    Many winners this year show how history and old buildings lead to richer neighborhoods and communities.
    In a year when the president and CEO of the National Trust for Historic Preservation gave a keynote address, the Congress for the New Urbanism lauded many development and planning projects that focused on preservation and revitalization of historic buildings and neighborhoods. The Grand Prize...Read more
  • Why new urbanism is the answer all over again

    The ground-up movement which helped defeat urban decay in the 1980s is just as relevant now our cities face the opposite problem.
    This week in Seattle the members of the Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) gather in Seattle on the 25th anniversary of their first meeting in Alexandria, Virginia. The congress burst on to the scene in the early nineties, after a period when cities were excoriated as unsafe, and perhaps in...Read more