• The power of rails and trails

    The 12-foot-wide Blue Line Rail Trail was originally designed to provide emergency access to light rail stations along Charlotte’s Blue Line. “However, since the Blue Line began operating in late 2007, the Rail Trail has been added onto, studied, enhanced, formalized, and transformed,” according to...Read more
  • Making ‘missing middle’ work in an anti-density region

    Cape Cod is desperately in need of housing diversity. Combining ‘visual preference’ with ‘missing middle’ housing types could point the way.
    Cape Cod, the quintessential New England vacationland, has a growing affordable housing problem. The housing stock of the 70-mile-long peninsula is mostly single-family detached—82 percent—out of step with the aging population that swells from 228,000 to more than a half million in the summer...Read more
  • Buffalo suburb moves ahead with retrofit plans

    Amherst, New York, is a municipality to watch for those who are tracking suburban retrofit—the idea of re-purposing automobile-oriented suburban areas for new uses in the 21 st Century. Amherst is the largest suburb in the Buffalo region, and home to the north campus of the University of Buffalo...Read more
  • The continuing relevance of Every Place Counts

    CNU led visioning sessions sponsored by US DOT in four cities in 2016, representing a landmark recognition of the wrongs committed in the name of in-city highway building.
    CNU’s recent launch of the Freeway Fighters network is the most recent chapter of its long history of advocating for the transformation of in-city highways. This story includes many projects over decades, some little remembered, that have chipped away, over time, at the status quo of highways...Read more