• New York State emerges as freeway teardown leader

    All of a sudden, New York State is the nation’s leader in urban freeway removal, as reported by Streetsblog . Andrew Cuomo is on a bit of a roll when it comes to urban planning and city-based economic development. Cuomo and his administration have announced or budgeted for multiple projects over...Read more
  • Cities aren't a luxury good

    For most of the 20th century, cities and their accoutrements were associated with immigrants, people of color, and relative economic deprivation. The very phrase “inner city” became a synonym of “poor,” and in certain contexts “urban” itself became a word that referred to people of color,...Read more
  • Ten more songs for urbanists

    When I posted a list of ten songs for urbanists in February, many people posted alternative suggestions—so many that I nearly had enough for another list. I curated those suggestions and added a few more. Enjoy! Where Do the Children Play? Cat Stevens asks the eternal question of urban planning—as...Read more
  • Mixed-use density in a suburban center

    Building density that supports walkable urban centers is a key strategy of new urbanists—but this goal is challenging in already built-out suburbs. Existing conditions, space constraints, zoning restrictions, and long approval processes often present obstacles. Despite those barriers, Arlington,...Read more