• Sprawl is not the problem

    Note: This is a guest article from Strong Towns , which will attend and cover CNU 24 in Detroit. Recently, I made a few people upset with me by asking that I not be called a smart growth advocate . Actually, I received a lot of email and messages on that one and the ratio of positive to negative...Read more
  • An ambitious plan to rebuild a neighborhood

    Housing authority begins construction on phase one of 1,200 residences and 400,000 square feet of retail and replacement of two schools in North Philadelphia.
    A publicly funded development program to revitalize a neighborhood plagued by crime and vacancies is underway in the Sharswood area of Philadelphia, beginning with the demolition of failed public housing towers called Blumberg homes. Although poverty is high—unemployment tops 80 percent—and many...Read more
  • The Flower City blooms again

    As growing legions of Americans look for urban places, many will be drawn to more affordable mid-sized cities like Rochester, NY.
    Rochester, New York, continues to struggle overall, having lost population in every decade since 1950—but its downtown is booming. After collapsing by 85 percent in the last four decades of the 20th Century, downtown population has tripled since 2000—up to 6,000 people. Rochester had enormous...Read more
  • More storefronts, more jobs

    Earlier this week, we introduced the Storefront Index , a measure of the location and clustering of customer-facing retail and service businesses. A primary use of the index is to identify places that have the concentration of retail activity that we generally associate with a vibrant neighborhood...Read more