• Junk Infrastructure

    Since the last recession, providing “infrastructure” has been synonymous with providing foundational facilities upon which communities can growAnchor and prosper.
    Since the last recession, providing “infrastructure” has been synonymous with providing foundational facilities upon which communities can grow and prosper. Providing “infrastructure” is seen as inherently good. Similarly, food production is considered inherently positive too. After all, we want to...Read more
  • Duany bound with red tape

    CNU co-founder Andres Duany and many of his colleagues launched the Lean Urbanism initiative two years ago to fight overregulation in building cities and towns. Duany recounts that his generation of architects and builders in the 1970s and 1980s faced a much lighter regulatory regime. Walton County...Read more
  • More walkable, more fair

    Walkability leads to higher social equity, even in cities that have higher housing costs, according to research in the new report Foot Traffic Ahead . The graph above shows that cities with more office, retail, and multifamily development in walkable urban locations also score the highest in social...Read more
  • The McMansion is not a town

    How many gables does this house have? I lost count at 11. The fake dormers and complicated roof line are meant to make up for the lack of variety in this Maryland exurb. Every house nearby has a similarly expansive lawn that is rarely used. Need to get anywhere? Take one of the cars in the multiple...Read more