• Bike commuting and the 15-minute city

    Bicycling is important to the 15-minute city, because it extends the range of human-powered transportation to about three miles in that time frame. This range is especially helpful in getting to work. A recent report by Bike Advisor shows that the top 10 US cities for bicycle commuting are mostly...Read more
  • The impact of in-city highways

    Dhiru Thadani drew the above cartoon image on the impact of in-city highways, which is a timely topic this week. On Tuesday, June 1, CNU is set to release its biennial report Freeways Without Futures , offering a list of 15 highways most in need of transformation nationwide. In-city freeway...Read more
  • Building melds classical and modern

    In the Shaw neighborhood in DC, a few blocks from downtown, a 71-unit condominium looks like two distinct buildings—a 10-story Classical one facing M Street and a six-story modern one facing 11 Street. In fact, these are the same building “melded seamlessly into one on the inside,” as reported in...Read more
  • Securing the Capitol gracefully

    The United States Capitol deserves to be protected in a manner commensurate with its historic place in the country’s history. It is a magnificent building degraded in recent times with a stark security fence topped by concertina wire. Throughout history, fences with limited access gates have...Read more