
An engaging storefront starts with a vision, then good storytelling, and design that engages the community.
The decision of a city in Texas to plan for new growth using a grid of streets has inspired readers and makes a lot of sense.
Here are ten of the best public spaces at the heart of cities in America, plus honorable mentions.
The New Urbanism is a design movement toward complete, compact, connected communities—but it is also a generator of ideas that transform the landscape. Communities are shaped by the movement and flow of ideas, and the New Urbanism has been a...
In order to get good streets, you have to think beyond any single street—an idea that is at the core of New Urbanism. Dendritic networks lead to fragmented and dispersed land uses.
City parks have been endangered by suburban flight, privatization and design overkill. Here’s a short list of basics for planning true public spaces.
Pedestrian sheds are a foundational idea of designing cohesive communities, but the challenge is the gap between what planners know and developers are building.
The Nolli Map is the most underutilized tool in the designer/developer tool box. It provides an intimate understanding of place.