• What traffic engineers can learn from doctors

    Traffic engineers as a group have been much slower to recognize their erroneous techniques and replace them with less damaging practices.
    Professionals make mistakes. Doctors made a 100-year mistake called the radical mastectomy, based on an erroneous theory of how cancer spreads. But when studies proved this surgery unnecessary, doctors replaced the once-common procedure with a less damaging treatment in a surprisingly short period...Read more
  • Pearl Brewery Redevelopment

    An industrial shell turns powerhouse

    The former Pearl Brewery is the economic and social hub for San Antonio's revitalizing River North neighborhood.
    The former Pearl Brewery is the economic and social hub for San Antonio's revitalizing River North neighborhood.Read more
  • As traffic deaths rise, blame engineering dogma

    US traffic deaths are rising again—fatalities jumped 8.1 percent in the first half of 2015
    US traffic deaths are rising again—fatalities jumped 8.1 percent in the first half of 2015, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports . The NHTSA cites “drunken, drugged, distracted and drowsy driving; speeding; and failure to use safety features such as seat belts and child...Read more
  • As evidence mounts, drumbeat for walkable streets grows

    The evidence keeps piling up to support reform in street design and traffic engineering. Recent research adds to volumes of studies that say walkable streets will make us safer, healthier, and improve the economy and communities. As BCT reported last month, research by Chester Harvey at the...Read more