• The map of CNU Congresses

    CNU created a map (see below for interactive version) of all of the past and upcoming Congresses . The map offers an overview at the history of CNU, the geographic range of the Congresses, and the issues that concerned the Congress attendees in years past (click on locations for details). The first...Read more
  • Walking to school, three generations

    Urban designer Victor Dover asked an audience of adults at a public event three questions about walking to school that reflect how our built environment has changed over the course of three generations in the US. Above are the results. Children used to regularly walk to school, which gave them...Read more
  • What to do with wasted asphalt

    We have so much excess asphalt in America, and we mostly don't even see it. Like an ugly building or a cluttered room—over time, our minds tune it out and take it for granted. But the excess asphalt, like the street on the left, is less safe and pleasant for pedestrians and has an impact on health...Read more
  • New urban ghost town calls forth a different mindset

    On this gloomy February day, I think back to 2008, the start of the Great Recession, which seems like a lifetime ago. There were many large-scale projects, planned well in advance of the crash, that died. Some of these projects were new urban projects. Few left as stark a reminder as Bloomfield...Read more