Rogers council approves downtown plan

The City Council unanimously approved a downtown plan during its meeting Tuesday with no discussion from members. The plan has been in the works for more than a year following the city signing a contract with Gateway Planning of Texas to develop it. "I am excited for Rogers," Scott Polikov, Gateway president, said. "I think the way that process went and the involvement from the people of Rogers reflects well on Rogers." No one spoke against the plan during a public hearing. Bill Watkins, a lawyer with an office downtown, was one of two that spoke in favor of the plan. "I am heavily invested in the future of downtown Rogers," Watkins said. "I am excited to see this and I hope the council approves it." Watkins also said he hopes the city continues to spend money supporting the plan in the future. The plan calls for infrastructure improvements to streets, utilities and greenspace. Revamping alleys and Frisco Park along First Street are some of the suggestions in the plan.

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