EPA correlates “smart growth” to better transportation systems

Metropolitan areas with more “smart growth” characteristics tended to outperform more sprawling regions of similar population in many transportation measures, according to a recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study, “Characteristics and Performance of Regional Transportation Systems.” Regions with more compact, pedestrian-oriented development patterns had lower vehicle miles traveled (VMT), lower average trip destinations, less congestion, greater use of transit, and fewer vehicle emissions. “These results suggest that system characteristics do affect performance, and that regions with more characteristics of a smart growth transportation system experience more efficient vehicle travel and modest improvements in traffic congestion,” EPA says. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, and Erie all have more compact development patterns and performed better than the similar-sized cities to which they were compared. The study also examined lane miles per 1,000 population to see if more roadway correlated with better transportation performance, but no relationship could be found, EPA says. Although previous studies have found a relationship between density and lower VMT, growth patterns are better predictors of performance, EPA finds. “For example, Philadelphia and Houston are closely matched in density, but Philadelphia ranks higher than Houston on smart growth supply measures of block size, intersection density, and transit service, and also on system performance measures of VMT per capita, trip length, traffic congestion, and transit ridership,” EPA says. “Overall, the findings suggest that characteristics such as greater street connectivity, a more pedestrian-friendly environment, shorter route options, and more extensive transit service have a positive impact on performance,” the study says. Download the complete study at www.epa.gov/smartgrowth u
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