
Welcome to the archives of Better Cities & Towns, a publication founded by Robert Steuteville as New Urban News in 1996. This archive holds two decades of the best news and analysis on compact, mixed-use growth and development, from 1996 to 2015.
Retail planner and consultant Bob Gibbs will be joined by Terry Shook, an expert in retail design and main street development, and Seaside town center developer, Daryl Davis, to present this one-of-a-kind retail workshop.
This 3-day training illustrates the capability of the NCI Charrette System™ for all aspects of community planning. Participants learn the practical NCI Charrette System™ skills, tools and techniques through new interactive, hands-on...
Easton is proud to announce the arrival of the entirely new shopping district known as Easton Gateway! With 500,000 square feet of specialty retail, restaurants and service tenants, Easton Gateway strives to deliver an enhanced shopping...
Land-use policy allowing people to live in mixed-use neighborhoods has the biggest impact on US transit, according to pro-transit group.
Urban Design Associates (UDA) appoints Joseph R. Nickol, AICP, as Associate Principal and Megan O’Hara, AICP, LEED AP bd+c as Associate.
Review of Urban Acupuncture, a book by Jaime Lerner. Island Press, hardcover 160 pp., 2014, $19.99
As recently as 1988, Harbor Town was a scrubby sandbar in the Mississippi River. Today, it’s a thriving community of over 3,000 people, a haven for cyclists and pedestrians, and a test tube for city planners. What can Memphis learn from this neo-...
In 2015, the Charter Awards will affirm great design’s links to a better quality of life.
Urbanful, a publication of Smart Growth America, partly blames low voter turnout among Millennials for the defeat of light rail lines in Florida and Texas on Tuesday.
Earlier this year, Opticos Design was awarded the CNU’s Charter Award Grand Prize for Best Planning Tool for the Cincinnati Form-Based Code. "As we discussed what to do with the prize money, we decided the best thing to do would be to give the money...
Urban Design Associates has led the re-shaping of the charrette model to not only project the reactivation of neighborhoods, streets, and public spaces, but to be part of the reactivation.
The Michigan Municipal League (MML) has published a follow-up book to its 2011 The Economics of Place. The new book is focused on implementation.