• Rear-view mirror predictions on US motor travel

    For most of the 20th Century, US vehicle miles traveled (VMT) rose relentlessly. At the turn of the new millennium, the pattern changed substantially, but the view of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), did not. Above is a graph that shows FHWA's predictions for growth of motor vehicle...Read more
  • Small furry mammals versus the dinosaur

    Over the last six decades, the propensity toward ‘big’ has infiltrated every aspect of human life. People are bigger (or fatter), cars, homes, food production, retail, hospitals, business, industry, government, and cities all have burgeoned in size. This has resulted in vast layers of bureaucracy,...Read more
  • US has no peer in traffic death

    US traffic deaths are way beyond peer nations and the gap is widening, according to a report released this week from the Centers for Disease Control. Traffic deaths in the US have dropped since 2000, due to safer vehicles and declining miles driven per capita—but all other highly developed nations...Read more
  • Junk Infrastructure

    Since the last recession, providing “infrastructure” has been synonymous with providing foundational facilities upon which communities can growAnchor and prosper.
    Since the last recession, providing “infrastructure” has been synonymous with providing foundational facilities upon which communities can grow and prosper. Providing “infrastructure” is seen as inherently good. Similarly, food production is considered inherently positive too. After all, we want to...Read more