• Shared space intersections mean less delay

    Mingling of people and cars at slow speeds is efficient and pedestrian-friendly, according to a University of Connecticut study.
    Pedestrians and drivers experience less delay in “shared space” intersections where vehicles and pedestrians mingle at slow speeds with few traffic regulations, according to a University of Connecticut study. The researchers measured the performance of six shared space intersections in five...Read more
  • A city street is a terrible thing to waste

    To stop the killing of pedestrians on New York City Streets, we have to change the way we build our streets
    N ovember 13th—Friday the 13th—marked the 13th day in a row that a pedestrian died on a New York City Street, all killed by cars or buses going too fast. These fatalities occurred because despite all the progress New York has made since Mayor de Blasio and his DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg...Read more
  • What traffic engineers can learn from doctors

    Traffic engineers as a group have been much slower to recognize their erroneous techniques and replace them with less damaging practices.
    Professionals make mistakes. Doctors made a 100-year mistake called the radical mastectomy, based on an erroneous theory of how cancer spreads. But when studies proved this surgery unnecessary, doctors replaced the once-common procedure with a less damaging treatment in a surprisingly short period...Read more
  • As traffic deaths rise, blame engineering dogma

    US traffic deaths are rising again—fatalities jumped 8.1 percent in the first half of 2015
    US traffic deaths are rising again—fatalities jumped 8.1 percent in the first half of 2015, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports . The NHTSA cites “drunken, drugged, distracted and drowsy driving; speeding; and failure to use safety features such as seat belts and child...Read more