• Florida embraces Complete Streets, a colossal task

    A comprehensive implementation guide was written to retool the machinery behind Florida's deadly streets.
    Florida recently adopted a comprehensive statewide plan to implement Complete Streets. I'll go out on a limb and say this plan is needed. Florida ranks first in the US in pedestrian fatalities nationwide. Florida is also the most dangerous state for bicyclists, according to the Centers for Disease...Read more
  • Gold in the streets of Michigan

    CNU recently completed four Legacy Charrettes in advance of CNU 24 in Detroit. On Monday through Thursday we published articles on the fascinating plans by top new urbanists. Two of the charrettes focused on city neighborhoods and other two focused on suburban downtowns and main streets. A common...Read more
  • For Detroit artery, the future is urban

    CNU Legacy Charrette team boosts confidence in a neighborhood with a languishing commercial corridor.
    The difference between Detroit's Grand River Avenue and the surrounding pleasant, attractive residential neighborhoods is like night and day. The high-vacancy thoroughfare is a highway for cars and trucks, while the low-vacancy neighborhoods are designed as civic art for people. "The overwhelming...Read more
  • Regional travel demand: A euphemism for unsustainable car trips

    If your corporation profited by highway building or selling cars, how would you market the idea of spending billions of tax dollars annually to subsidize long distance commuting by car? How would you spin the idea to make speeding through neighborhoods more important than the neighborhoods...Read more