• Aldershot Extension Aldershot row of houses


    Town is Extended with Affordable Housing and Landmark Buildings
    One of the largest brownfield developments in the United Kingdom has produced a sustainable town extension that meets the local community’s most urgent needs. The reuse of a military installation in Aldershot, England, known as “The Home of the British Army,” offers three vital assets: affordable...Read more
  • Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor

    The Jury Chairman’s Test of Time Award is given to the Rosslyn-Ballston Corridor, a highly successful integration of transit-oriented development and neighborhood preservation along the MetroRail corridor serving the heart of Arlington County, VA. Early Charter Awards leaned heavily toward designed...Read more
  • Orleans Landing Detroit street-life

    Orleans Landing

    Building on Detroit’s Assets
    In a sector of Detroit with diverse assets— waterfront land, brick industrial buildings, greenways, and historic streets—but little economic activity, the Orleans Landing project creates top-of-the-line urbanism. “Orleans Landing will reactivate a major piece of Detroit’s riverfront and create a...Read more
  • East End Richmond proposed square

    East End Transformation

    Bringing Health to an Ailing Corridor
    Richmond, Virginia’s two-mile East End Transformation corridor plan, a 350-acre vision for a hospital campus– centered development in an economically challenged area, brought together residents, business owners, nonprofit leaders, and public officials around the common cause of health. “The East...Read more