• New Port Metropolis Guatemala aerial

    Cities of a New Port Metropolis

    How ports could be cities again
    Until now, all major initiatives to create a port on the Atlantic Coast of Central America have failed to produce human-scale places due to the vast surface area required by modern hub-container facilities. Our Grand Prize student winner is a counter-proposal based on the simple idea: Ports should...Read more
  • Lofts of Washington University St. Louis colorful interior highlighted

    The Lofts of Washington University

    Town Meets Gown on Historic Street
    Five blocks away from the main campus, on a brownfield site along a bustling commercial strip, The Lofts of Washington University create an environmentally sound student-housing center integrated flawlessly into the fabric of St. Louis. The project reinvigorates a former gas station site on the...Read more
  • Beaufort Civic Master Plan Beaufort Artistic Depiction

    Beaufort Civic Master Plan

    State-of-the-Art Implementation in a Small Town
    Developed in the small South Carolina city of Beaufort, population 12,300, the Beaufort Civic Master Plan has a no-nonsense Southern sensibility befitting of its historic hometown. Rather than line up decades of red tape and public relations battles, this exceptional plan moves seamlessly from...Read more
  • St. Joseph Oakland Terraza Palmera

    St. Joseph’s Redevelopment

    Harmony of old and new is a gift to the city
    A rare combination of National Historic Landmark buildings and infill a fordable housing, the St. Joseph’s Redevelopment transforms a dilapidated former convent and convalescent home into a mixed-use asset for a distressed city neighborhood. The unique character of St. Joseph’s provides a strong...Read more