• Norton Commons Louisville fountain

    Norton Commons

    From progressive farming to progressive housing
    What was once a center for progressive farming techniques in the Southeast is now a progressive New Urban development. Its traditional architecture and emphasis on walkability and public space sets it apart from other new developments in Greater Louisville. Not only has the development been...Read more
  • I-81 transformation into a boulevard

    The construction of Interstate 81 in Syracuse came with the forced displacement of nearly 1,300 residents from the city's 15th Ward. It devastated a historic black community, severing the social fabric of the community and razing swaths of buildings, and with them, affordable housing options...Read more
  • I-490 Inner Loop

    In the early 1950s, when construction began on Rochester's Inner Loop Highway, the city's population was about 330,000. Today, Rochester is a shrunken city of about 210,000, with 50,000 jobs in its downtown core (in a metropolitan area of over 1,000,000). The 2.68-mile Inner Loop was built for a...Read more
  • Georgia & Dunsmuir Viaducts

    In 1915, the elevated freeway, the Georgia Viaduct, was built to circumvent the tidal waters, rail lines and industries below. This was replaced in 1971 by the twin elevated freeways: the Georgia Viaduct and the Dunsmuir Viaduct as part of a freeway plan drafted during the public love for the...Read more