• Defining the 15-minute city

    The “15-minute city” may be defined as an ideal geography where most human needs and many desires are located within a travel distance of 15 minutes. Here’s what that means.
    See the more recent, second essay , by Andres Duany and Robert Steuteville on the 15-minute city. These essays are complementary. The 15-minute city is gaining significant traction politically and in planning circles, but what does it mean? Definitions vary, and there is so much slack in the...Read more
  • The 15-minute neighborhood gets its 15 minutes of fame

    The subject of walkability is getting political attention, thanks to a catchy phrase.
    The urbanism world has been buzzing lately over “15-minute neighborhoods,” a planning concept that has recently gained international political prominence. The phrase was highlighted in the US when former Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Shaun Donovan made it a foundation of his New...Read more
  • Going carless in a driving city

    Even in the vast American drivable urban landscape, families can figure out how to do without a car—walking and biking to meet every personal need. Here’s how it’s done and you can do it, too.
    I came to Tuscaloosa, Alabama on a gig 16 months ago unsure how long I could do it because it’s so much less urban than South Beach, but have been absolutely astonished by what I’ve learned. I’m the part-time interim University Planner at the University of Alabama, and it was never clear how long...Read more