• Exhaust-free city centers by 2030!

    It’s time to harness technology for cleaner, healthier and safer cities.
    If you are a certain age, you will remember the days when passengers were allowed to smoke on airplanes. If you are not old enough to remember, be assured, it was not pleasant. The idea that one would be confined, for hours at a time, in a crowded tube breathing smoke-filled air is hard to fathom...Read more
  • Mitigation and adaptation: New urban response to climate change

    Urban planning has important contributions to a wide range of climate change responses, from mitigation to adaptation, notes CNU cofounder Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk.
    Nobody has been able to solve the problem of climate change, but there are many ways to respond, according to urban planner Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. The two categories of response are mitigation (sustainability) and adaptation (resilience), explains Plater-Zyberk, a CNU cofounder who gave a...Read more
  • A Strategic Vision for Panama City

    After being hit by a Category 5 storm in the fall of 2018, Panama City, Florida, is following a vision to rebuild better than before. The plan won a 2020 CNU Charter Award in the Neighborhood, District, and Corridor category for Dover, Kohl & Partners.
    Just a year after being clobbered by one of the most powerful Atlantic storms every to land in the US, Panama City, Florida, adopted a vision to rebuild that focuses on economic revival of its long-neglected downtown. The Strategic Vision for Panama City, which won a CNU Charter Award this year,...Read more
  • Building a knowledge base for sustainable urban habitation

    The Center of Territorial Intelligence in Biodiversity in Curridabat, Costa Rica, is a model for studying climate change on an urban environment. The project won a 2020 CNU Charter Award in the Emerging Projects category for Tandem Arquitectura.
    The Center of Territorial Intelligence in Biodiversity (CITBIO) is building a knowledge base on urban landscape performance that sets a model for communities in this era of climate change. The center consists of simple, well-designed buildings that are easy to construct, low in maintenance,...Read more