Selected Publications by Lynn Richards

  • Crosstown_Concourse_2018_Charter_LooneyRicksKiss
    From former warehouse to "vertical village"
    <strong>Crosstown Concourse</strong>&nbsp; <em>Memphis, Tennessee</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A mixed-use center for town and gown
    <strong>Storrs Center</strong> <em>Mansfield, CT</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • From parking lot to urban tour-de-force
    <strong>UCLA Weyburn</strong>&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles, California</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Jazz Market New Orleans Audience Seating
    Trumpeting a cultural revival
    <strong>Peoples Health New Orleans Jazz Market</strong>&nbsp; <em>New Orleans, Louisiana</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • A unique building becomes a hub for historic neighborhoods
    <strong>Ponce City Market</strong> <em>Atlanta, GA</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Mercado District | Tucson, Arizona
    A timeless place from the ground up. #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Expanding options for a car-oriented suburban area
    <strong>Village of Providence</strong> <em>Huntsville, AL</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Historic arcade houses young professionals
    <strong>Microlofts at The Arcade Providence</strong>&nbsp;<em>Providence, Rhode Island</em>

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

  • Southside
    Ten acres that transformed a city #thisiscnu

    Build Great Places / #thisiscnu

Richards, Lynn.  2014. "Putting People First: 10 Steps Toward Pedestrian-Friendly Suburbs." Land Lines. July 2014. Vol. 26, No. 3.

Richards, Lynn. Chapter 4: “Use Wastewater Practices that Meet Development Goals,” in Essential Smart Growth Fixes for Rural Planning, Zoning, and Development Codes. EPA 231-K-12-001, March 2012.

Richards, Lynn. 2011. “Aligning Stormwater Goals and Community Goals.” Stormwater: The Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals. Vol. 12, No. 6. 

Richards, Lynn and A. Hall. 2009. Water Quality Scorecard: Incorporating Green Infrastructure Practices at the Municipal, Neighborhood, and Site Scales. EPA 231-B09-001.

Richards, Lynn. 2009. Managing Stormwater Runoff: A Green Infrastructure Approach. Planning Commissioners Journal. #73, Winter 09.

Richards, Lynn. 2008. “Water and Density Debate,” chapter: Sustainable Urbanism—Urban Design with Nature. Doug Farr, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.  

Richards, Lynn. 2008. "Leading the Horse to Water: How to Fully Engage Local Decision Makers." National Charrette Institute Best Practices.

Richards, Lynn and M. Dalbey. 2006. “Creating Great Places: The Critical Role of Citizen Participation.” Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. Vol. 37, Num. 4, Winter 2006.

Richards, Lynn. 2006. “Development Density Scenarios and their Water Resources Impacts.” US EPA, Nonpoint Source News-Notes Issue #78, Spring 2006.

Richards, Lynn. 2006. “Turning Stormwater Runoff into a Community Amenity.” Getting Smart! Volume 9, Issue 5. ICMA: Washington, DC.

Richards, Lynn. 2006. “Water and the Density Debate.” American Planning Association: Planning Magazine. June 2006.

Richards, Lynn. 2006. Protecting Water Resources with Higher Density Development. EPA 231-R-06-001.

Richards, Lynn. 2004. Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth. EPA 231-R-04-002

Gaffield, S., Goo, R., Richards, L., and Jackson, R. “Public Health of Inadequately Managed Stormwater Runoff.” American Journal of Public Health, September 2003.

Richards, Lynn. “Alternatives to Subsidizing Edge Development: Strategies for Preserving Rural Landscapes.” A Journal of the Built and Natural Environments, Issue 10, Fall/Winter 2001.

Richards, Lynn. Georgia Chapter: Environmental Resources and Constraints in the Former Soviet Republics. Philip Pryde, editor. Westview Press, 1995.

Richards, Lynn. “In Support of Ordinary Citizens.” Cover Story. Allegheny Magazine, Meadville, PA. 1994.